It's our wits that make us men.


Posted on By tkly


 * Open an input stream and read the header. The codecs are not opened.
 * The stream must be closed with avformat_close_input().
 * @param ps Pointer to user-supplied AVFormatContext (allocated by avformat_alloc_context).
 *           May be a pointer to NULL, in which case an AVFormatContext is allocated by this
 *           function and written into ps.
 *           Note that a user-supplied AVFormatContext will be freed on failure.
 * @param url URL of the stream to open.
 * @param fmt If non-NULL, this parameter forces a specific input format.
 *            Otherwise the format is autodetected.
 * @param options  A dictionary filled with AVFormatContext and demuxer-private options.
 *                 On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dict containing
 *                 options that were not found. May be NULL.
 * @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure.
 * @note If you want to use custom IO, preallocate the format context and set its pb field.
int avformat_open_input(AVFormatContext **ps, const char *url, AVInputFormat *fmt, AVDictionary **options);


 * Read packets of a media file to get stream information. This
 * is useful for file formats with no headers such as MPEG. This
 * function also computes the real framerate in case of MPEG-2 repeat
 * frame mode.
 * The logical file position is not changed by this function;
 * examined packets may be buffered for later processing.
 * @param ic media file handle
 * @param options  If non-NULL, an ic.nb_streams long array of pointers to
 *                 dictionaries, where i-th member contains options for
 *                 codec corresponding to i-th stream.
 *                 On return each dictionary will be filled with options that were not found.
 * @return >=0 if OK, AVERROR_xxx on error
 * @note this function isn't guaranteed to open all the codecs, so
 *       options being non-empty at return is a perfectly normal behavior.
 * @todo Let the user decide somehow what information is needed so that
 *       we do not waste time getting stuff the user does not need.
int avformat_find_stream_info(AVFormatContext *ic, AVDictionary **options);


 * Find the "best" stream in the file.
 * The best stream is determined according to various heuristics as the most
 * likely to be what the user expects.
 * If the decoder parameter is non-NULL, av_find_best_stream will find the
 * default decoder for the stream's codec; streams for which no decoder can
 * be found are ignored.
 * @param ic                media file handle
 * @param type              stream type: video, audio, subtitles, etc.
 * @param wanted_stream_nb  user-requested stream number,
 *                          or -1 for automatic selection
 * @param related_stream    try to find a stream related (eg. in the same
 *                          program) to this one, or -1 if none
 * @param decoder_ret       if non-NULL, returns the decoder for the
 *                          selected stream
 * @param flags             flags; none are currently defined
 * @return  the non-negative stream number in case of success,
 *          AVERROR_STREAM_NOT_FOUND if no stream with the requested type
 *          could be found,
 *          AVERROR_DECODER_NOT_FOUND if streams were found but no decoder
 * @note  If av_find_best_stream returns successfully and decoder_ret is not
 *        NULL, then *decoder_ret is guaranteed to be set to a valid AVCodec.
int av_find_best_stream(AVFormatContext *ic, enum AVMediaType type, int wanted_stream_nb,
                        int related_stream, AVCodec **decoder_ret, int flags);


 * Fill the codec context based on the values from the supplied codec
 * parameters. Any allocated fields in codec that have a corresponding field in
 * par are freed and replaced with duplicates of the corresponding field in par.
 * Fields in codec that do not have a counterpart in par are not touched.
 * @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
int avcodec_parameters_to_context(AVCodecContext *codec, const AVCodecParameters *par);


 * Retrieve supported hardware configurations for a codec.
 * Values of index from zero to some maximum return the indexed configuration
 * descriptor; all other values return NULL.  If the codec does not support
 * any hardware configurations then it will always return NULL.
const AVCodecHWConfig *avcodec_get_hw_config(const AVCodec *codec, int index);


/** Get the string name of an AVHWDeviceType.
 * @param type Type from enum AVHWDeviceType.
 * @return Pointer to a static string containing the name, or NULL if the type
 *         is not valid.
const char *av_hwdevice_get_type_name(enum AVHWDeviceType type);


 * Allocate an AVCodecContext and set its fields to default values. The
 * resulting struct should be freed with avcodec_free_context().
 * @param codec if non-NULL, allocate private data and initialize defaults
 *              for the given codec. It is illegal to then call avcodec_open2()
 *              with a different codec.
 *              If NULL, then the codec-specific defaults won't be initialized,
 *              which may result in suboptimal default settings (this is
 *              important mainly for encoders, e.g. libx264).
 * @return An AVCodecContext filled with default values or NULL on failure.
AVCodecContext *avcodec_alloc_context3(const AVCodec *codec);


 * Open a device of the specified type and create an AVHWDeviceContext for it.
 * This is a convenience function intended to cover the simple cases. Callers
 * who need to fine-tune device creation/management should open the device
 * manually and then wrap it in an AVHWDeviceContext using
 * av_hwdevice_ctx_alloc()/av_hwdevice_ctx_init().
 * The returned context is already initialized and ready for use, the caller
 * should not call av_hwdevice_ctx_init() on it. The user_opaque/free fields of
 * the created AVHWDeviceContext are set by this function and should not be
 * touched by the caller.
 * @param device_ctx On success, a reference to the newly-created device context
 *                   will be written here. The reference is owned by the caller
 *                   and must be released with av_buffer_unref() when no longer
 *                   needed. On failure, NULL will be written to this pointer.
 * @param type The type of the device to create.
 * @param device A type-specific string identifying the device to open.
 * @param opts A dictionary of additional (type-specific) options to use in
 *             opening the device. The dictionary remains owned by the caller.
 * @param flags currently unused
 * @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
int av_hwdevice_ctx_create(AVBufferRef **device_ctx, enum AVHWDeviceType type,
                           const char *device, AVDictionary *opts, int flags);


 * Initialize the AVCodecContext to use the given AVCodec. Prior to using this
 * function the context has to be allocated with avcodec_alloc_context3().
 * The functions avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(), avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(),
 * avcodec_find_decoder() and avcodec_find_encoder() provide an easy way for
 * retrieving a codec.
 * @warning This function is not thread safe!
 * @note Always call this function before using decoding routines (such as
 * @ref avcodec_receive_frame()).
 * @code
 * avcodec_register_all();
 * av_dict_set(&opts, "b", "2.5M", 0);
 * codec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
 * if (!codec)
 *     exit(1);
 * context = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec);
 * if (avcodec_open2(context, codec, opts) < 0)
 *     exit(1);
 * @endcode
 * @param avctx The context to initialize.
 * @param codec The codec to open this context for. If a non-NULL codec has been
 *              previously passed to avcodec_alloc_context3() or
 *              for this context, then this parameter MUST be either NULL or
 *              equal to the previously passed codec.
 * @param options A dictionary filled with AVCodecContext and codec-private options.
 *                On return this object will be filled with options that were not found.
 * @return zero on success, a negative value on error
 * @see avcodec_alloc_context3(), avcodec_find_decoder(), avcodec_find_encoder(),
 *      av_dict_set(), av_opt_find().
int avcodec_open2(AVCodecContext *avctx, const AVCodec *codec, AVDictionary **options);


 * Return the next frame of a stream.
 * This function returns what is stored in the file, and does not validate
 * that what is there are valid frames for the decoder. It will split what is
 * stored in the file into frames and return one for each call. It will not
 * omit invalid data between valid frames so as to give the decoder the maximum
 * information possible for decoding.
 * If pkt->buf is NULL, then the packet is valid until the next
 * av_read_frame() or until avformat_close_input(). Otherwise the packet
 * is valid indefinitely. In both cases the packet must be freed with
 * av_packet_unref when it is no longer needed. For video, the packet contains
 * exactly one frame. For audio, it contains an integer number of frames if each
 * frame has a known fixed size (e.g. PCM or ADPCM data). If the audio frames
 * have a variable size (e.g. MPEG audio), then it contains one frame.
 * pkt->pts, pkt->dts and pkt->duration are always set to correct
 * values in AVStream.time_base units (and guessed if the format cannot
 * provide them). pkt->pts can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if the video format
 * has B-frames, so it is better to rely on pkt->dts if you do not
 * decompress the payload.
 * @return 0 if OK, < 0 on error or end of file
int av_read_frame(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt);


 * Supply raw packet data as input to a decoder.
 * Internally, this call will copy relevant AVCodecContext fields, which can
 * influence decoding per-packet, and apply them when the packet is actually
 * decoded. (For example AVCodecContext.skip_frame, which might direct the
 * decoder to drop the frame contained by the packet sent with this function.)
 * @warning The input buffer, avpkt->data must be AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE
 *          larger than the actual read bytes because some optimized bitstream
 *          readers read 32 or 64 bits at once and could read over the end.
 * @warning Do not mix this API with the legacy API (like avcodec_decode_video2())
 *          on the same AVCodecContext. It will return unexpected results now
 *          or in future libavcodec versions.
 * @note The AVCodecContext MUST have been opened with @ref avcodec_open2()
 *       before packets may be fed to the decoder.
 * @param avctx codec context
 * @param[in] avpkt The input AVPacket. Usually, this will be a single video
 *                  frame, or several complete audio frames.
 *                  Ownership of the packet remains with the caller, and the
 *                  decoder will not write to the packet. The decoder may create
 *                  a reference to the packet data (or copy it if the packet is
 *                  not reference-counted).
 *                  Unlike with older APIs, the packet is always fully consumed,
 *                  and if it contains multiple frames (e.g. some audio codecs),
 *                  will require you to call avcodec_receive_frame() multiple
 *                  times afterwards before you can send a new packet.
 *                  It can be NULL (or an AVPacket with data set to NULL and
 *                  size set to 0); in this case, it is considered a flush
 *                  packet, which signals the end of the stream. Sending the
 *                  first flush packet will return success. Subsequent ones are
 *                  unnecessary and will return AVERROR_EOF. If the decoder
 *                  still has frames buffered, it will return them after sending
 *                  a flush packet.
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise negative error code:
 *      AVERROR(EAGAIN):   input is not accepted in the current state - user
 *                         must read output with avcodec_receive_frame() (once
 *                         all output is read, the packet should be resent, and
 *                         the call will not fail with EAGAIN).
 *      AVERROR_EOF:       the decoder has been flushed, and no new packets can
 *                         be sent to it (also returned if more than 1 flush
 *                         packet is sent)
 *      AVERROR(EINVAL):   codec not opened, it is an encoder, or requires flush
 *      AVERROR(ENOMEM):   failed to add packet to internal queue, or similar
 *      other errors: legitimate decoding errors
int avcodec_send_packet(AVCodecContext *avctx, const AVPacket *avpkt);


 * Allocate an AVFrame and set its fields to default values.  The resulting
 * struct must be freed using av_frame_free().
 * @return An AVFrame filled with default values or NULL on failure.
 * @note this only allocates the AVFrame itself, not the data buffers. Those
 * must be allocated through other means, e.g. with av_frame_get_buffer() or
 * manually.
AVFrame *av_frame_alloc(void);


 * Return decoded output data from a decoder.
 * @param avctx codec context
 * @param frame This will be set to a reference-counted video or audio
 *              frame (depending on the decoder type) allocated by the
 *              decoder. Note that the function will always call
 *              av_frame_unref(frame) before doing anything else.
 * @return
 *      0:                 success, a frame was returned
 *      AVERROR(EAGAIN):   output is not available in this state - user must try
 *                         to send new input
 *      AVERROR_EOF:       the decoder has been fully flushed, and there will be
 *                         no more output frames
 *      AVERROR(EINVAL):   codec not opened, or it is an encoder
 *      other negative values: legitimate decoding errors
int avcodec_receive_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *frame);


 * Copy data to or from a hw surface. At least one of dst/src must have an
 * AVHWFramesContext attached.
 * If src has an AVHWFramesContext attached, then the format of dst (if set)
 * must use one of the formats returned by av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats(src,
 * If dst has an AVHWFramesContext attached, then the format of src must use one
 * of the formats returned by av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats(dst,
 * dst may be "clean" (i.e. with data/buf pointers unset), in which case the
 * data buffers will be allocated by this function using av_frame_get_buffer().
 * If dst->format is set, then this format will be used, otherwise (when
 * dst->format is AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) the first acceptable format will be chosen.
 * The two frames must have matching allocated dimensions (i.e. equal to
 * AVHWFramesContext.width/height), since not all device types support
 * transferring a sub-rectangle of the whole surface. The display dimensions
 * (i.e. AVFrame.width/height) may be smaller than the allocated dimensions, but
 * also have to be equal for both frames. When the display dimensions are
 * smaller than the allocated dimensions, the content of the padding in the
 * destination frame is unspecified.
 * @param dst the destination frame. dst is not touched on failure.
 * @param src the source frame.
 * @param flags currently unused, should be set to zero
 * @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR error code on failure.
int av_hwframe_transfer_data(AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags);


 * Return the size in bytes of the amount of data required to store an
 * image with the given parameters.
 * @param pix_fmt  the pixel format of the image
 * @param width    the width of the image in pixels
 * @param height   the height of the image in pixels
 * @param align    the assumed linesize alignment
 * @return the buffer size in bytes, a negative error code in case of failure
int av_image_get_buffer_size(enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height, int align);


 * Copy image data from an image into a buffer.
 * av_image_get_buffer_size() can be used to compute the required size
 * for the buffer to fill.
 * @param dst           a buffer into which picture data will be copied
 * @param dst_size      the size in bytes of dst
 * @param src_data      pointers containing the source image data
 * @param src_linesize  linesizes for the image in src_data
 * @param pix_fmt       the pixel format of the source image
 * @param width         the width of the source image in pixels
 * @param height        the height of the source image in pixels
 * @param align         the assumed linesize alignment for dst
 * @return the number of bytes written to dst, or a negative value
 * (error code) on error
int av_image_copy_to_buffer(uint8_t *dst, int dst_size,
                            const uint8_t * const src_data[4], const int src_linesize[4],
                            enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height, int align);


 * Free the frame and any dynamically allocated objects in it,
 * e.g. extended_data. If the frame is reference counted, it will be
 * unreferenced first.
 * @param frame frame to be freed. The pointer will be set to NULL.
void av_frame_free(AVFrame **frame);


 * Free a memory block which has been allocated with a function of av_malloc()
 * or av_realloc() family, and set the pointer pointing to it to `NULL`.
 * @code{.c}
 * uint8_t *buf = av_malloc(16);
 * av_free(buf);
 * // buf now contains a dangling pointer to freed memory, and accidental
 * // dereference of buf will result in a use-after-free, which may be a
 * // security risk.
 * uint8_t *buf = av_malloc(16);
 * av_freep(&buf);
 * // buf is now NULL, and accidental dereference will only result in a
 * // NULL-pointer dereference.
 * @endcode
 * @param ptr Pointer to the pointer to the memory block which should be freed
 * @note `*ptr = NULL` is safe and leads to no action.
 * @see av_free()
void av_freep(void *ptr);